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The Road to the Dead Prayer

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I was working on a new devotional prayer for my Divine Duality:  Exsu, Mother of Souls and Ushar – Father of Worlds. This time I decided to go back to the layout of the rosary – The four starting beads, and then 5 sets of different devotionals. I wasn’t sure where it was going to go, but my Goddess never fails to give me the direction. So I lit a candle, burned Her copal, and listened.

I was surprised but also not – The 5 sets, ended up being the 5 stages of the Road to the Dead. The Lessons we learn along the way. The Mysteries each part holds.

That is one of the interesting things about the Road to the Dead – They are the lessons we learn for life. They are the lessons of building your own foundations, discovery of the self, facing and healing the shadows within us and outside of us.

The Road to the Dead is the Reapers domain. It is the Reapers that teach us these things, so we can do the work ahead when we reach The Well of Souls, when we do our deep reflective and transformative work there, in preparation to be reborn again.

The prayers themselves are short and hint at the depth of what is found in each stage along the road. They are more of a reminder, but not the lessons themselves. They bring in both sides of the Divine Duality the feminine and the masculine, the soul and the body, Death and Life. It is through the harmonious alignment between them that we become our whole authentic self.

I am currently using this particular prayer set as a daily devotional for Them. I sit at our altar, I light a candle, I burn Her copal, and speak the words. It is more then just devotion, in the act of speaking the words it is feeding all of our bonds – my bonds with Them, Their bond together, and our triplicity as a whole.

For those who have taken the Death Emissary course, you will understand, for those who haven’t – I will go deeper into the individual mysteries of each of the 5 stages at a later time, but for now I just wanted to share the prayer. Feel free to use it and see what happens for you.

Her domain is the Soul, the Self. His domain is the body in the sense of the outer world, how we move in the world and interact with it. She is the WHY. He is the HOW.

Last Note: On the rosary there is also a large bead or symbol between the first set of 5 beads and the circle of 5 sets. If you have a petition, something you need help with or a goal you are after, this is where you would say that specific intention.

The Divine Duality Rosary Prayer

First large bead:

 Exsu, Mother of Souls,

Strengthen my courage to hold our foundations,

Be my light along the road,

Share with me the hidden knowledge,

So that my soul can fulfill its purpose,

Exsu, I am yours and you are mine.

Three small beads:

The Divine Duality,

She who moves from Hope,

He who moves from Love,

Only together in harmonious balance can we all thrive.

Second large bead:

Ushar, Father of Worlds

Give me the strength of Voice to do our work,

Protect me as I walk in dangerous waters,

Provide me with the resources I need,

As I keep your lessons of Judgment and Justice,

bringing back harmonious balance,

Ushar, I am yours and you are mine.

First Set of Beads: The Tree

Exsu, nourish my roots,

Ushar nourish my leaves,

Together we grow the tree.

Spacer Bead:

The Divine Duality,

She who moves from Hope,

He who moves from Love,

Only together in harmonious balance can we all thrive.

Second set of beads: The Cave

Movement and choices I have made,

Every time, a price is paid,

In your waters I am reflected.

Spacer Bead:

The Divine Duality,

She who moves from Hope,

He who moves from Love,

Only together in harmonious balance can we all thrive.

Third Set of Beads: The Field

All is laid bare for me to see,

Only acceptance will set me free,

No shadow can hide in the light you shine.

Spacer Bead:

The Divine Duality,

She who moves from Hope,

He who moves from Love,

Only together in harmonious balance can we all thrive.

Fourth set of beads: The Forest

Strength of heart is my only protection,

Forged and shaped on our path, section by section,

In the darkness along the unknown path.

Spacer Bead:

The Divine Duality,

She who moves from Hope,

He who moves from Love,

Only together in harmonious balance can we all thrive.

Fifth Set of Beads: The Bridge

Raging currents down below,

Rise above and let it go,

The Bridge is the Key.