There are other versions of the Santa Muerte Rosary that are easily found online. There is a more common one that is directly tied to catholic traditions and others that are more traditional/ folk/ indigenous.
My personal version has some pieces taken from the traditional ones I have found but altered to suit my needs and relationship I am building with Santa Muerte. For me prayers are important. They help us build and strengthen the energetic ties between us and the Guide we are speaking to. Because of this, the prayers have to hold truth and meaning. Even in the traditional rosary prayer I found, there was still too much of a christian feel to it for me. As that is not my beliefs, I had to alter it to something I truly felt with Her.
For those who do not know, a rosary is a specific type of prayer beads. It has a similar concept to how mala beads can be used except the prayers vary depending on where you are at on the rosary. It is also more for venerating, celebrating, and connecting to the Guide vs asking for something from them. Now people do combine asking for a favor along with the rosary, which is fine, as long as you also just say it for Them at other times.

There is an opening prayer that is said on the effigy – 3-4 smaller opening prayers – and then 5 large beads representing each mystery with a prayer. In between each mystery bead are 9-10 smaller beads that has a repetitive prayer on it.
My Santa Muerte Rosary Prayer
Opening Prayer:
I believe in the Power of the Santa Muerte.
She who is the Keeper of the living and protector of the dead. Who sees all things and welcomes all to Her. Whose authority is vast and Her Power absolute.
I trust in the Santa Muerte whose justice is swift and sure.
Bless me with your power, under the cloak of your protection.
I ask that you guide and guard me on my path now.
1st Bead:
Santa Muerte, Weaver of Fate, I offer these prayers for you. From the altar of my heart to yours. May you find the words sweet and their meanings true.
2nd Bead:
Glory be to the Santa Muerte, Sacred Mother of all. Thank you for this day, so that I may have it to live, love, and laugh my own way.
3rd Bead:
Beloved Santa Muerte, as you were with me in the beginning, so you are with me now, and so will you be with me always.
As we come to the necklace looking part – On each large bead you will say the “Mystery” Prayer for that bead and the smaller beads in-between you will say the “Glory Be” prayer.
The First Mystery: The Scythe
Santa Muerte, Sacred Mother full of love and compassion, Use your scythe to cut and alter the strings of fate in favor of those who call to you and honor you.
Blessed by you are the forsaken and forgotten.
Blessed by you are the abused and downtrodden.
Hail Santa Muerte, who holds power over all – Bless me with your love and favor.
*Glory Be Prayer (said on each small bead)
Glory be to the Santa Muerte, Sacred Mother of all. Thank you for this day, so that I may have it to live, love, and laugh my own way. As you were with me in the beginning, so you are with me now, and so will you be with me always.
The Second Mystery: The Cloak
Santa Muerte, Sacred Mother of all who gathers Her children beneath Her cloak.
Hiding them from those who wish them ill or harm.
Sheltering them when their life darkens.
Protecting them and wrapping them in your love.
Santa Muerte, may you embrace me as I embrace you.
*Repeat the Glory Be Prayers
The Third Mystery: Justice
Santa Muerte, Sacred Mother who welcomes all to Her.
Who does not judge us, but embraces us as we are.
Who finds justice for those who come to you seeking it.
Who shifts the scales to balance the world.
Help me to live Justly.
*Repeat the Glory Be Prayers
The Fourth Mystery: Feet on the World
Santa Muerte, Sacred Mother of all, who makes Her presence known in our daily lives.
Whose power weaves the strings of what is to be.
Beautiful Santa Muerte, who bestows Her blessings of prosperity on those who come to Her and hold Her sacred.
May I always use the abundance received from you wisely.
*Repeat the Glory Be Prayers
The Fifth Mystery: The Spirit
Santa Muerte, Sacred Mother of all.
Who can walk the world of the living and the world of spirit.
Coming to those who call to Her in this life and the next.
Favoring those who greet Her with love and hospitality.
May you always feel welcome with me and allow my spirit to walk with you.
The closing prayer I say while holding the whole rosary in my hands. It will also change depending on what I may be coming to Her for. The closing prayer below is just my general one, used when I am just bonding/ honoring Her.
Closing Prayer
Santa Muerte, illuminate my path in this world and walk beside me through it.
Give me strength and courage when heading into challenges.
Comfort and love in times of pain.
Understanding and compassion when I falter.
Protection and shelter from those who would do me or my family harm.
Sacred Mother of all, I hold gratitude for the prosperity you bless us with – a roof over our heads, food on the table, all our needs met, the love we grow between us, and your presence all around us.
May you and I always walk together in Love.