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Written Works

Patheos Columnist

Patheos is the leading web platform hosting dialogue on all of the world’s religions. They host a variety of voices across the world, across all spiritual and religious paths, sharing their experiences, insights, and beliefs.

I run a column under the Pagan section : 


Books by Esa

Walking with the Morrigan 

This journal will help you dive deeper into the words and lessons of The Morrigan. Creating spaces through prompts, to help guide you through them and come to your own understandings. Unearthing the shadows, and bringing secrets within to light. Building deeper bonds with the Goddess, in a way that is personal and specific to your own growth. Through the act of journaling, we are able to document our journey. Helping us work through our feelings and perspective in real time, and giving us a tool to look back on in reflection to see how far we have come. The prompts give you specific aspects and areas to look at within yourself and in the world around you. Building, or solidifying, your own foundations and discovering the potentials of your own inner power.



Goddess: sacred words of transformation

Goddess, Sacred Words of Transformation

This book is designed to be an inspirational labyrinth, taking you deep within yourself and then spiraling back outward into the world.

Bridging the Seen and Unseen.
Healing the cracks and encouraging new growth.
Inspiring new ideas and perspectives.
Done through poetry, passages, and paths that blend one into the other.

It contains my personal journey with the Goddess. Paths She has taken me through, words She has spoken, visions She has shown me, and tools we have created together. It contains lessons and riddles that only you can unravel for yourself. The deeper you go, the more secrets you will uncover about yourself, about the world, and about the Goddess that is walking the journey with you.

This is a book of inspirations and a journey of the soul.



Kari: Norse God of Voice and His Seidkona

Walk into the World of Kari – Norse God of Voice

Kari is an old Norse God with little recorded history, yet holds incredibly powerful knowledge.
In the sagas he is known as the element of wind – air, which in the body equates to our Voice.
His lessons cover a vast array of topics, including Judgement and Justice, Leadership, Passing Knowledge, and the way of the Runes – especially in Galdr.

This book helps you start building that connection to Him, a different way to journey with the Runes, and find the power of your Voice.



Duality Series - Emotion and thought coverThe Duality Series: Emotion and Thought

Dualities are all around us and contained within everything.
For every emotion, there is a complete opposite of that emotion.
For every thought, there is a complete opposite of that thought.
For every situation, there is both thought and emotion.
Through understanding the Duality between them – you are able to choose the right amount of each side to achieve your desired goals.

These questions help you to gain new understanding and perspectives while developing the skills of a cunning mind. Though they are specifically aimed at one thing or another, the process you learn is universal and can be applied to any situation.

By understanding how both emotions and thought work together and against each other, allows us to make better choices and actions to achieve what we need or desire.



New Release! Grimoire of the Crane

In a world filled with countless mystical paths, Crane Tradition stands apart as a beacon for those seeking effective structures and tools to embark on their own spiritual journey. More than just a tradition, it’s a dynamic framework designed to empower individuals like you to explore and evolve your magical and spiritual practices.

Imagine a tradition that isn’t bound by rigid rules but instead revolves around your own unique journey. Crane Tradition offers the keys to unlock knowledge, perspectives, and deep understandings, providing a solid foundation while encouraging you to discover and develop your own path.

Step into a community where exploration, experimentation, and diversity are celebrated, where every member is empowered to forge their own spiritual destiny. Here, ancient wisdom seamlessly integrates with modern practices and understandings, creating a synergy that resonates with your personal experiences.

In Crane Tradition, the focus isn’t just on beliefs — it’s on achieving real, tangible results in your spiritual and magical pursuits. Join us and discover a tradition that not only welcomes you but empowers you to define what truly works for you.

Take the first step towards a transformative journey with Crane Tradition — where tradition meets innovation, and where your spiritual growth is nurtured by a supportive community of like-minded explorers. Embrace a tradition that honors and celebrates your individuality, while it guides you towards meaningful discoveries.

Are you ready to unlock the magic within? Explore Crane Tradition today and embark on a journey that’s uniquely yours.