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Death’s Emissary

Spirit Work and Death Doula Course

“To Guide others through Death, we must first Know Her and Walk with Her.”

Welcome to the realm of spirit and the Well of Souls. Something has drawn you here, whether it be curiosity, a lust for knowledge, a desire for connection, or perhaps even a grief that still holds you. No matter the reason, the journey is the same.

This course was developed to bring the two sides of Death Work into one cohesive structure from a Paganistic, Anamistic, and Magical perspective. Starting with the personal journey and experience of Spirit Walking, gaining real illumination and wisdom from the secrets the Spirit realm holds, and combining that with the professional knowledge and skills of a Death Doula. By blending these two side you not only become a more powerful Death Worker, but also a much needed resource in our community.

Next Session Begins October 1st 2024

Spirit Walking

Discover the art of Spirit Walking (astral travel), blending aspects of animistic, shamanic, and magical practices in a unique way. Learning powerful techniques and tools so you can navigate the world of Spirits, communicate with them, and forge powerful alliances with them. You will explore the aspects of Binding and Galdring Soul Runes – Using the power of Voice and vibration, to create the unique songs to call the spirits forth, to send your spirit outwards, and craft a new type of magic. Through the profound understandings and practices of Spirit Work, you will enhance your own abilities and skills as a Death Worker and Death Doula.

The Death-Rebirth pattern at its core is about transformation and transmutation work. That means you can apply the knowledge and skills acquired in this course to a variety of different fields including: helping stuck souls to heal and move on; guiding souls in reconciliation work in the Well so they can move onto their next journey; other work that deals in the Spirit Realm; and all the various transformations and transitions we experience through living.

Spirits and Guides

Forge deep connections and build solid communication with different spiritual Guides.

Learn about the Ancestral Soul you carry within you and the secrets it holds – Connect and build bonds with Guides and Deities that can help you transform in this work – Commune with the Dead and unseen spirits that can give you deeper insights – and more.

You will learn how to connect to them, communicate, and build working relationships with them to further your Death Doula work.

Death Doula

Embrace the role of a Death Doula, serving as a bridge between the living – the dying – and the dead. Similar to how midwives facilitate the birthing process, we facilitate the Death process in all its phases. This aspect of the course approaches the end-of-life journey through Spiritual, Paganistic, and Animistic perspectives, providing comprehensive training to serve our growing and aging communities.

Drawing from my own wealth of professional experience as a CCRN/ Death Doula and educator, along with insights rooted in experience of the Spirit Realm, I will help you develop the tools, skills, and insights necessary to be a successful Guide for those crossing over and those left behind.

Structure of the Course

Embark on a year-long transformative journey!

This deep work demands time, patience, and focused effort as you acquire knowledge and develop essential skills. This is why it is structured as a year long course. To give you that time, to dive deeper into the lessons and allow them to become part of you. With a well-structured course outline, along with dedicated practice periods for skill absorption, this intensive program promises a year of personal growth and transformation.

We will also cover topics on starting your own practice/ business, along with educating people on what a Death Doula is and what they have to offer the community.

Classes start in October and End in September. The course consists of:  one weekly class with live post discussion, a Live weekly Q&A session, a private server to interact/ share with other students, and one-on-one sessions with the instructor as you need it. There are 3 months in the year that we take a break from classes and move into space for practice and honing skills (Dec, March, and June). See the Course Outline at the bottom of the page.

There is a small daily practice that will take about 15 minutes to accomplish. It will require some dedicated time for it, ideally incorporated into your morning or end of the day routine.

At the end of the course you will have the option of a Completion Certificate, or you can undertake the certification process through the Temple of the Crane (no added charge).

**All Classes and discussion groups will be recorded and stored on the private server throughout the course and up to a year afterwards, so participants do not miss out on anything due to a scheduling conflict and they can go back and review at their leisure. If you have questions but can not make it to the Live Discussion, you can email them in and I will answer them during the Live. 

Community Building

Join an intimate and supportive community of like-minded individuals committed to this profound spiritual path, and that are going through the process with you. With limited class sizes, you will have the opportunity to delve deeper into the material, receive individual attention, and foster strong bonds with fellow participants.

Through a private Discord server, you will gain access to additional course materials, engage in seamless learning, and forge connections within the community.


Next Session Starts October 1st

Join us on this profound exploration of Death, where the wisdom of spirit meets contemporary practices. Embarking on a transformative experience as you gain the knowledge, skills, and connections necessary to navigate the realms of the Dead and assist others on their path of crossing-over.

Enroll now and unlock the mysteries of Death in a supportive and empowering community!

There is a limited number of spots available in order to promote the best learning environment, and foster community within it.

The cost is $750 for the full year. We realize it may be difficult for some to pay the full amount up front so we have included a split payment option as well – where you pay half now ($375) and the other half ($375) by Feb 1st, 2025.

Click Here to Sign Up Now!

Tools you will need for this course:

– 2 Journals: to keep records of your personal journey and to keep notes and ideas in. This can take any form you choose. I personally recommend simple spiral notebooks for this – you can always transfer over any key information into a “pretty” one later. You can also keep digital ones, as long as they are something you will keep going back to reflect on. I have encountered many who start with a digital journal, but were less likely to go back and work with them.

– a Staff: The best staffs in my opinion are ones we go out and find in nature. Fallen branches can form into great allies. It should to be at least 2 feet long and I would recommend not any taller than yourself. You can buy one if you want, but I would recommend one that didn’t have any carvings or symbols on it. As you develop your skills you will be creating and infusing magic into it, so the more “unfinished” the better.

– Tarot deck: You will specifically need the Dreams of Gaia Tarot Deck. You can find it locally or buy the deck here:

– Mala: This can either be a string with 108 knot in it, a string of 108 beads, or you can purchase a mala (Example)

All other materials will be provided to you.

About the Instructor

Esa has devoted her life to guiding and healing, both in the spiritual and physical realms. She specializes in transformative and Death Work, understanding that change begins within. Her spiritual and magical practices reflect this philosophy.

She began her career as a CCRN / educator and Death Doula, spending almost 20 years helping both those who were crossing over and their loved ones left behind. Through this work, she developed a deep connection to the spiritual realm and gained knowledge about the interconnectedness between the soul, mind, and body.

I am an avid explorer and believe experimentation is the key to growth. Magic and Spirituality is personal – the bonds we build, the skills we hone, how we practice, all of this being developed along our journey. The rules and limitations are those of you and nature, not another person.”

She is a Death Doula, Author, Spirit Worker – Walker – and Guide for those wanting to build their own path and connections.

For any further Questions, please email:

2024-2025 Course Schedule

Personal Journey


6th Class 1: Introduction, History, Tools, Clairs

13th Class 2: Ancestral Soul and Guides

20th Class 3: Divination, Trance, mala technique

27th Class 4: Working and Communicating with Spirits, Types of Spirits


3rd Class 5: Soul Runes, Personal Journey

10th Class 6: Spoken Magic

17th Class 7: Staff and Hood

24th Class 8: The Web and The Well

December – Break

Putting into practice –

*Winter Solstice Ritual and Celebration


12th Class 9: Parts of the Soul

19th Class 10: Soul, Body, and Mind

26th Class 11: Shadow Work


2nd Class 12: Spirit Walking and Otherworlds

9th Class 13: Protections, Servitors

16th Class 14: Reapers, Keepers, Fates

23rd Class 15: Road to the Dead

March – Break

Putting into Practice

Death Doula Work


6th Class 16: Roles of a Death Doula

13th Class 17: Ethics in Death Doula Work

20th Class 18: Grief Process

27th Class 19: Magic – Grief Process


4th Class 20: Perspectives of Death – and the Fear

11th Class 21: Holding Space – The Witness

18th Class 22: Compassion vs Empathy

25th Class 23: Self-Care as a Doula

June – Break

Exercise: Develop a plan for dealing with people of different belief systems then you and boundaries for your own self health/ healing

*Summer Solstice Ritual and Celebration


6th Class 24: Walking with Death – Being Death’s Emissary

13th Class 25: Preparation: Legal and Family

20th Class 26: The Life Left – the dying and the living

27th Class 27: Spiritual Practices, Rituals, and Honoring the Dead

Exercise: Start developing your own book of prayers, rituals, and spells


3rd Class 28: Soul Crossing – the moment of Death and stuck souls

10th Class 29: Aftercare for those who remain

17th Class 30: Grief and Healing Duality

24th Class 31: Establishing and developing your own Practice


Ending Celebration – Your Transformation through Death and Being Reborn

– Certificate of Completion from the Temple of the Crane

– If you are choosing the certification, you will receive your testing packet after the last class.

Live Class: will be held Sunday Mornings at 10am Central Time. They will be recorded and then uploaded to the Server to view at your leisure.

Live Q & A sessions: We will do a poll before the session starts and set the Q&A time for the time slot with the most votes. (see Poll section under the Welcome channel)

Once set, if you can not attend but would like me to address your question during the live – message or email it to me 24 hours prior to the session.

Private Sessions: All participants can request a private session with me at any time for personal help or one-on-one guidance. Message me with 2-3 different dates and time you are available, and we will set a meeting.